My Life

I am the mommy of Michelle, Ashleigh and Samanthia. The state of utah snatched them from me in July of 2001. The Last time I was allowed to see them was January 8, 2002. Not a day goes by that they are not in my thoughts. They were sold out of foster care here for financial insentive. I miss you three so much and can't wait til the day you can come find me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I hear a mother complain about her child 'talking back to her' & think...
I wish my child could talk.
I see two brothers playing tag at the park & think...
I wish my child could do that.
I hear a mother complain about her daughter's choice of wardrobe & think...
I wish my child could choose & dress himself.
I see my son line up his legos & think...
I wish he would build something with them.
I complain about my child's picky eating...
& think about all the children who have to be fed through tubes.
I see my child climbing on the table...
& think of the children who can't walk or climb.
I see a child with leukemia & think...
at least my child's physically healthy.
I receive from & give hugs to my son...
& think of the mothers who've never received a hug from their child.
I hear my son say "Mama" for the first time...
& I thank God.
I look at my son & am in awe at the beautiful gift God's given me. God only gives us as much as we can handle. Sometimes it seems as though we cannot cope with all the struggles, but we must remember we're CHOSEN as strong parents of VERY Special children.

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