My Life

I am the mommy of Michelle, Ashleigh and Samanthia. The state of utah snatched them from me in July of 2001. The Last time I was allowed to see them was January 8, 2002. Not a day goes by that they are not in my thoughts. They were sold out of foster care here for financial insentive. I miss you three so much and can't wait til the day you can come find me.

Monday, November 8, 2010

April 18, 2009

Apr 18, 2009
Current mood:bummed

Yet another one of life’s bumps in the road….

Yet another one of life’s bumps in the road….
I have been to the emergency room twice in the past week for what was believed to be a blocked saliva duct, which had become infected. Upon my second trip, the doctor decided it best to do a CT scan. I was told that I had stones blocking both the right and left side. Although the left side was swollen and in a great deal of pain. The doc told me that it was extremely important I see a specialist. Well my insurance wont pay for that, so I went to my regular doctor. She was the one who got to finally tell me that I do not have stones blocking the ducts! I have lesions in the parotid lymph nodes. Otherwise I have multiple tumor, varying in size from 3mm to 10mm, in my saliva gland/lymph nodes. Not some thing that they are going to able to help. Other that trying to get the infection gone. I now need to find a way of seeing an ENT doctor who can biopsy them and let me know what I’m up against.
It seem like every time we start to get thing under some kind of control, another one of these speed bumps shows up. In the four years that Rich and I have been together we’ve gone through getting clean off meth, almost lossing Emma in my 17th week of pregnancy, my being diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases, Emma’s Learning disabilities and the deaths of two dear friends. I really hope at some point that we get to have boring life. don’t get me wrong I know life is a learning lesson, I would just like to get summers off. Lol.

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