(For more detailed and extensive grooming technique lists:
Warriors For Innocense: Grooming Articles )
There are many ways pedophiles and sexual predators target children:Warriors For Innocense: Grooming Articles )
1. Find activities in their area involving children – such as parties, park outings, sporting events
– They will watch the children, photograph the children, and attempt to have a BM or GM, which stands for “Boy Moment” and “Girl Moment”. This includes a conversation with the child, in which they could gain information to get to the child at a later date. However, this could also include just sitting back watching a particular child at play.
They appraise a child’s form as if it were that of a stripper in a club, and they write the moment down later for their friends – online and in real life – with added feelings of desire they had while exploring the child’s body with their eyes and filthy mind.
Please keep in mind that a child does not have to be nude or in a bathing suit to be visualized that way by these people. They are sick enough to imagine that for themselves.
2. Seek victims for themselves – either through the first option or by riding around looking for easy targets: children walking alone, children playing outside with no supervision, children wandering in a store with an inattentive parent… I don’t have to tell you the rest as “victim” says it all.
3. Seek victims for others – through option 1 as well as option 2. The information they attain through their Boy or Girl moment is not always kept to themselves, especially on Alice Day (The pedophile Girl Lover holiday) or NAMBLA day (North American Man-Boy Love Association). They get that information and share it to their pedophilia ring friends so that others will have a chance at acquiring a victim at a later date. The children they snare also often become shared sexual toys for themselves as well as others in their group.
Photos and stories of children are precious to these people and they will even pay money for them and more money for addresses and personal information of targets.
A lot of times, the person acquiring this information isn’t even a pedophile, themselves. They are just in it for the money from the sales of the photos and information that a pedophile and child predator can use to get their target.
Also remember that men are not the only perpetrators. Women make up a small percentage of sexual predators and abusers, but they DO exist. Even so far as to pimp out their own children for drugs or other selfish reasons.
I’m sure you’re wondering what can be done to spot or stop these people. You can’t very well go accusing every person you see in a public venue of being a sexual predator, nor should you be paranoid. Just careful.
It’s always better safe than sorry, but there is always common sense.
For instance: if you see a lone person with no children sitting nearby staring at the children at play, it’s a pretty good chance he’s there for less than honorable reasons. Particularly if he/she has a camera and no credentials to any claim of being a reporter – which should also be questioned and dealt with as any parent would by calling the editor of his paper to check his story should he say this.
If you are quite certain you’ve spotted someone with ulterior, twisted motives for watching your child or others at play, call the police immediately. Confrontation with a group of concerned parents also works. No violence is necessary as these people fear being caught at their private game and will quickly vacate the area. You also send a strong message that your children are protected and NOT easy targets!
- ALWAYS teach children not to talk to strangers.
- ALWAYS teach children to never give personal information to a stranger.
- ALWAYS teach children to never give the information of another child to a stranger.
- ALWAYS teach children to scream, “NO!” and “STRANGER!” very loudly if they encounter someone asking questions or trying to get them to come with them.
- ALWAYS teach children to use a secret or safe word or password and to NEVER tell ANYONE, not even their friends, what this word is.
They should tell a teacher or another parent right away. If the person is real, they will be happy to supply proper credentials and will be glad the child was so careful.
Remember, too, that uniforms are a dime a dozen – figuratively speaking. Official vehicles, however, are a bit harder to come by. It’s one thing for a person dressed in a “uniform” to tell the child the plain car is undercover, and another when the car actually has the decals, lights, and sirens.
** You should also remember that children want to please adults. They want praise and to feel special. They can either get this from home or from the stranger offering it to them if they would only come with them.
There are certain kinds of children predators go for. Remember that predators are patient. They could be watching a potential target for weeks, sometimes months, before striking. They want to be sure the target meets their criteria before they strike. Some of the markings of a perfect target are:
- Always alone
- Latch-key kid
- Parents/Guardians are either hardly around the child or are always too busy to talk to/spend time with the child
- Always dirty, hungry – suggests the child is not being cared for at home and the parents don’t pay attention to the child’s needs
- Is always being reprimanded or admonished by parents or guardians – as if they can do no right or are not trusted
- Is taught to keep secrets, or is in an environment – like abuse – where secrets are a normal thing
- Has not been taught to not talk to strangers
- Has identifying words or phrases on clothes or items (such as their name on backpack, clothes, jewelry)
There are what’s called “grooming techniques” that predators follow on kids like this. They include but are not limited to:
- Being a confident to a lonely child
- Constantly praising a child who is told otherwise at home
- Being innocently affectionate to a child who is given no such attention at home – simple hugs, holding hands, pats on the head or back…. All things a parent or guardian would do that in no way suggests sex. That will come in time with longer back rubs, more involved hugging, and so forth.
Later, when the perpetrator acts out his long awaited assault, he will blame the child for allowing him to get so close, blame the child for “flirting”, for “coming onto him”, for “asking for it” by accepting his “love”.
Every good thing the perpetrator did prior to his assault of the child becomes a tool to use against the child to make the child feel it was all his/her fault.
It is NEVER the fault of a child and every child should be taught that they are NEVER to blame if someone touches them inappropriately.
Even if a parent is one who isn’t in the child’s life very often – perhaps through work or divorce or separation – that parent should at the VERY LEAST teach their child that NO ONE has the right to touch their body and that if it ever happens, it is NEVER their fault.
EVERY parent or guardian MUST be sure their child understands that if they are ever touched or assaulted in any way, that child can tell their parent or guardian without fear of being ridiculed or punished. That it is not their fault and the parent or guardian WILL make it right, even if they may not be around for other things. Not being there for a soccer game does NOT mean they won’t be there if someone tries or does hurt their child. The child MUST know and FEEL this is the case.
These images were discovered by undercover volunteers on a website created by online sexual predators, where they instruct young girls and children that sex with older men is natural and their parents are lying to them and cannot be trusted because they are possessive and don’t want their children to feel good.
It has been speculated by some around the net in discussion about these symbols that these meanings and even existence of the symbols are untrue, but those statements have been made by pedophiles whose primary goal it is to corrupt exposed discoveries about them. These people have often used these symbols on their own websites, and the jewelry is no figment of the imagination!
- A heart within a heart, or “GLogo” “GirlLover” is used by pedophiles attracted to girls. The heart in a heart, to them, represents a adult/ female child relationship.
- A blue spiral-shaped triangle symbol, or “BLogo” “BoyLover”, symbolizes a boy (small triangle) surrounded by an older male (larger triangle)- and is meant to show adult/male child relationships.
- The butterfly CLogo a.k.a. “ChildLover” (commonly looks like four touching hearts) in pink/blue represents non-preferential gender pedophiles (girl or boy attracted, often both).
- The yin-yang looking circle is CGlogo, used in reference to the website, Common Ground, which was created as a place for both girl and boy attracted pedophiles to meet and sympathize with each other.
- The pink/blue triangles is “AmaroSymbol” is a variation of the CGLogo.
- AoA: Short for “age of attraction” meaning the age groups of children they are attracted to
- MAA: Minor attracted adult (used in reverse of the word “pedophile”, though it is the same and places the child as responsible for the abuse)
- AoC: Age of (legal) consent
- CL: ChildLover/pedophile
- GL: Girl Lover/Attracted to girls
- BL: BoyLover/Attracted to boys
- YF: Young Friend, used when speaking about a victim
- CP: Child Porn (Which could mean anything from photos of naked or half-naked children to photos of actual child rape/torture)
Then there are the chats, or message boards:
- CG: known as Common Ground, a place for pedophiles of both preferences. Common ground, while being the one that touts of being for “all” pedophiles is less used than either of the other forums:
- GC: GirlChat- for those that favor victimizing girls
- BC: BoyChat- for those that favor victimizing boys
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