My Life

I am the mommy of Michelle, Ashleigh and Samanthia. The state of utah snatched them from me in July of 2001. The Last time I was allowed to see them was January 8, 2002. Not a day goes by that they are not in my thoughts. They were sold out of foster care here for financial insentive. I miss you three so much and can't wait til the day you can come find me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Forgive

I forgive the tears I was made to shed,
I forgive the pain and the disappointmen...
I forgive the betrayals and the lies,
I forgive the slanders and the intrigues,
I forgive the hatred and persecution,
I forgive the blows that hurt me,
I forgive the wrecked dreams,
I forgive the stillborn hopes,
I forgive the hostility and jealousy,
I forgive the indifference and ill will,
I forgive the injustice carried out in the name of justice,
I forgive the anger and the cruelty,
I forgive the neglect and contempt,
I forgive the world and all its evils.

~Paulo Coelho,
from his book Aleph

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